Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Finding the shapes

Grabbed some images off of Artstation to mark out the primary, secondary and tertiary shapes in each image. This helped me break down otherwise complex designs into simple shapes and colours, allowing me to create a black template in the shape of the primary shapes, before doing rough designs of my own to consider with the project.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Spaceship module thingo

traced a module looking thing from a 3D render of a sci-fi corridor I found on the website polycount.com

Whilst i didnt design this module myself, I was able to learn about the 3 different parts of an object, the primary shapes, the secondary shapes, and the tertiary shapes (which are usually just textures on a flat surface.

from me sketching over the module, doing a few drawings off to the side, I was able to model a version of it.
it has its differences, but its clearly based on the original image. It has given me inspiration for how to design different modules for my scene later in the project

Project Mood Boards

Alright. Safe to say this project took a turn that I did not anticipate but I am entirely on board with it. I realised a few different ways I can interpret the passage and came to understand that it is vague enough for me to drastically change my initial idea to something a little more unique.
I first was looking at the game "Little Nightmares" that came out a few years ago, seeing how the different furniture is all designed and placed. Then I thought about the passage again, I realised there isn't any reason why it *wouldn't* work in space... soooooo I'm doing it with a space theme now. I researched a few different space themed creations made by different people to brainstorm some ideas, along with knowing what sort of stylistic theme I want after little nightmares, the next few weeks will be fun!